Alliance Gator® Aqua Rock*
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Alliance Gator® Aqua Rock
Size: Bag
Please review your product details and note that the final price is subject to change.GATOR AQUA ROCK is manufactured to meet ASTM No.9 requirements for permeable paver joint units. The calibrated gradation obtained from the fractured high-strength granite makes it the ideal product for the bedding course & jointing material to collect surface water run-off and help stabilize interlocking paver surfaces.
Ideal For:
- Residential and commercial traffic
- Permeable paver joints and bedding material for pavers
- Concrete paver and wet cast products
- Driveways, parking lots, patios & walkways and more
- Bedding and jointing material
- Foundation material under Gator Base
Quantity required depends on the shape and size of the concrete pavers as well as the width of the joints
GATOR AQUA ROCK | For a 2-3/8″ (60 mm) paver |
50 lb (22.7 kg) bag | 20 to 25 sq.ft. (1.86 to 2.32 meters) |