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Rymar® Zeolite 55*

Starting At: $32.99 per Bag

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Zeolite Infill Sand

  • Sold as 55.1 lb bags

  • 100% Natural Organic Product

  • Absorbs & Holds Pet Urine Odours

  • Cools Synthetic Turf by up to 30%

Zeolite is made out of a 100% natural resource from the earth. It is different then any other infill because Zeolite is a negatively charged honey-combed molecular structure which absorbs the urine like a magnet and prevents the ammonia from forming a gas which is the main cause of smell. Zeolite Infill will pull any gases towards itself and hold it until sodium ion (Na+) in rain water releases the magnetivity and the force of heavy rainfall will flush out the bacteria, forcing it through the turf into the ground making your turf virtually new again. The sodium forces the calcium ions out and recharges the Zeolite when dry.